Monday, 12 May 2008

Last Night Was The Best Night Of My Life

(O’ Driscoll/Kelly/Daly)

We Met in the car park just by chance
The smell of exhaust fumes adding something to this romance
You said you’d love me for as long s I lived
And you said you you’d need me as long as I could give all that I could give

Oh and
Last night was the best night of my life

We went to your house and watched soaps on the TV
You tried to claim me as your private property
But I can’t be exchanged like some commodity
My ‘use-value’ is just what use you have for me

Oh and
Last night was the best night of my life

She said: ‘Oh, you have a heart of gold’
But that is something that cannot be bought and sold
If it can’t get me what I want most on this Earth
This heart of gold really hasn’t that much worth

By the way!
Last night was the best night of my life

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